Eucharistic Crusade

A bad disease!

Dear Crusaders,

          Last month, I said, “see you in September”, but some of you took it too literally and didn’t send in your Treasure Sheets!  Anyway, in July, at the boys’ camp at Salmon Lake, B.C., I was glad to receive a few new members into the Eucharistic Crusade.  May these new members be faithful to the wonderful ideals of the Crusade!

          Now, for another story, this one taken from the Gospel of the 16th Sunday after Pentecost (September 8th this year), in which Our Lord uses a dining room at a social gathering, like a doctor’s office.

           Before Him stands a man sick with Dropsy.  Because of the disease, the man moves and breathes only with great difficulty.  The man with Dropsy sees Jesus as his Divine Doctor who can heal him.  However, in the very same room, there were other sick people, people who don’t seem to be bothered much by their sickness.  They are active and seem to enjoy themselves at the party.  These people are sick, so why do they behave as if everything is fine with them?  It is because their illness is not a physical one, it is in their heart, their soul.  It is the disease of selfishness.

          Now imagine that you go to that room and knock at the door where Jesus is.  Jesus, who knows your heart, opens the door.  This Divine Doctor asks if there is something wrong with you.  Would you, if you suffered from selfishness, dare to say to Him that everything was fine?  Jesus might tell you, “My friend, remember how you neglected to help your parents with chores, or ignored your brother or sister when he or she was excited about doing something wonderful?” or “Remember how badly you behaved when you were losing a game you were playing?  Your pride and selfishness kept you from playing fair as a gentleman.”

          The disease of selfishness is quite common.  Perhaps you can think of little ways that selfishness infects our lives, and how this can change. 

          Our divine Saviour and Doctor came from heaven to heal us.  This was so very important that He died a dreadful death on the Cross to pay the price for our bad actions.

           Let us pray to the Divine Doctor to heal our souls from the disease of selfishness, and teach us how to think of others’ feelings and needs before our own.


Father Dominique Boulet

* On September 15th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.

* Send all correspondence to:

Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC
V1T 6G5



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