Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks



The famous Italian artist, Michelangelo Buonarroti, carved one of the most beautiful statues in the world.  He carved this statue in 1499, for a chapel in St. Peter's Vatican in Rome.  But before carving this statue, Michelangelo searched and searched for the perfect piece of white marble.  He wanted to use a huge piece of white marble that did not have any flaws in it or black veins running through it.



Michelangelo's Pieta

In time, he found the perfect piece of marble and soon started carving his masterpiece.  The end result was magnificent!  Some time after Michelangelo was finished carving this statue, he went at night and carved a ribbon with his name on it, across the breast of the Virgin Mary.  He did not want somebody else to claim his work!

Our Lady has a calm and peaceful expression of sadness on her face.  Not the lip, but her hand, shows the sadness of Mary’s soul.  Jesus is resting in her lap and His face has a youthful beauty and a gentle sorrow on it.

When you look at the statue, what does the Virgin Mary seem to be thinking, as she gazes upon her poor, dead Jesus?  She had never done anything to hurt her God and her Son.  Is she praying for us?  Is Mary wondering how man can be so cruel to sin and offend her Son?

Many of you may not know, but September 8th, is the day on which we celebrate the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This is a day when you can give the Virgin Mary a special present like, obeying your Mommy and Daddy all day long, or saying a few extra decades of the Rosary, or being kind to your younger brothers and sisters for the whole day.  This will help the Virgin Mary to be happy, not sad. 

You might say, "Oh no, that is too hard to do.  I could never do these kinds of things, all day long."  But do you think you could try?  I bet you could.  With Jesus and Mary's help you will be able to do well.  Then you will be able to make Jesus and Mary happy. Then they will not look sad, like they do, on the statue of the Pieta.   


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