Eucharistic Crusade

1. When and where was St. Pierre Julien Eymard born? 

2. Before Julien was born, what prophecy did an old priest make to his parents?

3. What did Julien love to do, when he was a child? 

4. How often did Julien go to Mass?

5. On his First Communion Day, what did Julien promise Our Lord?

6. Why did Papa Eymard, not want Julien to become a priest?

7. Which Order did St. Pierre join first, and why did he leave?

8. What religious group did St. Pierre join next?

9. When Our Lady appeared to Julien at Fourviere, what did She ask him to do?

10. What happened on February 2, 1851?

11. In what way did Fr. Eymard want to glorify Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament?

12. In 1855, what did the Pope say about St. Pierre's work?

13. What name was given to the new Society, founded by St Pierre?

14. When his friends left him, what did Fr. Eymard say to Our Lord?

15. Before dying, what did St. Pierre tell one of his religious?

16. On what date did Fr. Eymard die?

17. When was Fr. Eymard canonized?

18. On what date did Fr. Eymard die?


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