Eucharistic Crusade

The Nativity Set

Thoughts for Advent


Dear Crusaders,

The great feast of Christmas is coming soon!  For sure you are already thinking of the nice gifts you would like to receive.  I would like you to really enjoy such gifts, but I am afraid that the lights of the Christmas Tree will make you forget the main gift of Christmas, Jesus Himself.  That is why I would like to give you an easy way to make Jesus the centre of your joy from now, in this Advent Season, and later during the time of Christmas.

About 800 years ago, St. Francis found a very pious man named John.  St. Francis told him, “Do what I will ask you and both of us will celebrate Christmas at Greccio.”  Francis asked him to build a life-size nativity set.  The stable was built with the manger, an oxen, a donkey, and everything else that we usually see in a nativity set.  When Christmas night came, all the people from the neighbourhood came with candles and gifts. Then Francis came with some friars and sang some pious carols in honour of the newborn King.

Would you like to do the same, dear children?  You could set up a nativity scene in your bedroom.  Make it look real.  Make it nice, for it is for Jesus!  When you make it, think that you are making a house for the Son of God.  What happened to St. Francis might happen to you – while he was building his nativity scene, his friend John saw a little boy who looked as if he was dead.  John asked St. Francis to go to him and wake him from the deep sleep.

So, dear children, like the little boy, you might seem dead to Jesus with all the material things of Christmas; but the nice crib scene you make will revive Him in your heart, and your love for Him will be strong again!

                                                                                     Father Dominique Boulet

  • On December 22nd, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC V1T 6G5


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