Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

Connie the Complainer     

Connie was always complaining. Nothing ever seemed to go well for her. She would grumble to herself or her friends, "My dress is ugly, my Rosary is green instead of blue, my doll does not have blonde hair, my room is blue instead of pink, I always have too much homework, I never get enough time to play, my mother gives me spinach to eat, …!" Connie complained and complained and complained!!

Connie's father and mother worried about their little girl. They made many novenas to Jesus and Mary, to help their little girl have a happy attitude toward things, but Connie still did not change.

As the days went by, it was soon December, and mother was busy preparing cakes and cookies and special foods for the Christmas season. Connie helped her mother and she was a good little helper but she still complained about everything. Her father and mother continued to pray.

On Christmas Eve, Connie and her parents went to Midnight Mass. The choir sang like angels, and the church was decorated beautifully. The family returned home after Mass. They all had a little snack of Christmas cake, grapes and cheese, and a drink of eggnog.

Mary then went to bed, and that night she had a beautiful dream. She dreamed about Mary, Joseph, and the Child Jesus, in the cave at Bethlehem. Mary spoke, "Connie, your father and mother have been begging my Son and I, to help you stop complaining, and to help you have a happy attitude. We have heard their prayers and will help you."

Mary continued, "Connie, do you see the little Child Jesus in the manger?" The girl nodded. "He does not have any toys to play with, He is cold because He does not have too many blankets, but see, He is not crying, He is sleeping! And when He awakes, He likes to cuddle in my arms and His father's arms. Joseph and I, are also without the comforts of our home, and we did not complain when we had to go to Bethlehem, for the census that Caesar was taking. If you resign yourself to God's holy will and offer up your little sufferings to the Child Jesus, you will be most happy, and you will gain Heaven. You will try, won't you?"

Connie had tears in her eyes. She looked at Mary's lovely face and beautiful smile. "Yes, Mother Mary, I will try very hard not to complain and I will always ask you and Jesus and St. Joseph to help me."

Our Lady hugged Connie, and kissed her. When Connie woke up she begged Jesus and Mary to help her not to complain. You can also ask Jesus and Mary to help you not to complain, when you receive little crosses.

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