Eucharistic Crusade

Question Page


1.Why is St. Dominic known as a great witness to the Holy Eucharist? 

2.Why did St. Francis want to preach only in the city of Paris?

3.What did St. Francis tell the people to do about the altar vessels? 

4.What did St. Francis encourage his Third Order members to do?

5.Who wanted St. Anthony to prove that the Blessed Sacrament was truly God?

6.Why did St. Anthony hold the Blessed Sacrament in front of the mule?  What happened when he did so?

7.What beautiful miracle happened to St. Clare one time, after she had received Holy Communion and also at her death?

8.What did St. Clare do when the Saracens came to attack Assisi?

9.What special thing did Queen Blanche say to her son, St. Louis?

10.What promise did St. Louis make to Our Lord? 

11.Why was St. Yves afraid to become a priest?

12.What was St. Yves' favourite motto, during his life?

13.Why was St. Ansanus called the "Baptiser" ?

14.How was St. Claudius converted to the Catholic Faith?

15.In Little Talks, what was Connie's main fault?

16.When Connie had a dream, what did Our Lady say to her?

17.Who are the two very greatest lovers of the Blessed Sacrament, from the 13th century?


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