Eucharistic Crusade

Give us our daily bread!

Dear Crusaders,

Sometimes in the summer, you might pick some beautiful summer flowers to give to your mother.  God made these flowers to enjoy for their beauty, but also to feed us with our daily bread.  The grass from the field will make nice hay for the cattle, and the flowers from the orchards will develop into nice fruits.  That is how nature obeys God’s order to give us our daily bread!  We will be happy to have delicious fruits from summer when the cold of winter will come.

Not all people have enough food, though. You might have heard stories, from your older relatives, about the 1930’s, when many people were very poor and food was very scarce.  Many people went through difficult times and were careful not to spoil their bread because it was precious.  For many, it was the main part of their diet. Please think about poor people, even nowadays, who don’t always get enough food.  Please be happy with what the Good Lord sends you; don’t complain. 

There is a story of a little boy who used to always mumble something after saying, “Give us our daily bread’. One day, his mother asked him what he said.  He answered, “Give us our daily bread… and cover it with lots of peanut butter”.  No, dear children, be happy with the food God gives you.

While we worry much about food for our body, we should be even more worried about getting the food for our souls.  “Give us our daily bread” should be the cry of your souls, especially during this time of summer holidays when your soul needs more strength to fight against laziness and bad habits.

Do not allow your soul to die of starvation without Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the bread of your soul.  This bread from heaven is all-powerful against the devil.  Remember the words of Jesus, “The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood will remain with Me, and I will stay in him.”

Have a good and blessed summer vacation.  See you in September!

Father Dominique Boulet

* On July 7th and August 18th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.

* Send all correspondence to:

Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC
V1T 6G5



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