Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954
By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


a) The Volunteers of the Crusade:

A Volunteer is a man who has the will to do something, not because someone has forced him, but because he really wants to do it.

The first characteristic of a Crusader is to be a volunteer. If you do not want to be a Crusader, the Crusade does not need you. If you do not want to pray, go to communion, make sacrifice, be an apostle, knock elsewhere, this is not the place for you. If you become a Crusader because your friends are Crusaders, it would be better not to become one.

If, little girl, you want to be a Crusader so that you may dress up in a-beautiful blue mantle with a white cross on it, or if, little boy, you want to show off your red and white uniform, or carry in your buttonhole a badge that every- one cannot have, you have not yet caught on to the idea.

But if you tell me that you want to love the Sacred Heart better, that you want to be His apostle, that you want to go to Communion more often so that your divine life may grow, that you want to make sacrifices to save the world, then I say to you: Come! You have understood what the Crusade wants to make of you. Come! The Crusade awaits you. You are going to try for one or two, perhaps (as is often the case) even for three months to be faithful to the orders that the Crusade gives to its soldiers. And if you obey well, if you pray well, if you receive communion well; and if your Apostle, if your Promoter, if your Director is pleased with you, you will be received solemnly and officially among the volunteers of the Crusade. What a great day that will be!



This is your treasure of the month. Every morning when you wake up, in morning prayer, ask God's blessing, and pray your daily offering for the intention of the month: you can mark it on the sheet. Every night when you pray your night prayers, fill in the treasure sheet, giving thanks to God for all the graces He gave you this day, and being sorry for not having used them all well.



Every night mark down what you have done this day. Row I the first day of the month. Mark each box with a number.

For the Daily Offering, mark I when you say the daily morning offering.

In the column for Masses, mark the number of masses you attended with fervour and devotion that day. Put zero if you could not attend Mass.

In the column for Communions with the (+) symbol, put a I if you have received Holy Communion and 0 if you haven't.

Where it is marked Spiritual, mark how many spiritual communions you have made that day.

In the Visit o the Blessed Sacrament, mark how many times you visited Jesus in a good Catholic Church.

For 15 minutes, we pray and meditate, quietly. We can use holy and spiritual books during that time. You can make a spiritual communion then too.

Mark Sacrifices how many good works you did, or what you gave up, your school work, or home work, or house work, any thing you could offer to Jesus.

After the end of the month total up, add up each of the columns at the bottom, and send them to the Eucharistic Crusade Canadian Headquarters by mail, or e-mail


HOW DO I BECOME A MEMBER OF THE CRUSADE? In times gone by, those who left for the Holy Land to free the tomb of Our Lord promised to obey their chief, even if it cost them their lives. What did they receive in exchange? The grace to go straight to paradise if they were killed during the fight. What is more beautiful than that? He who wants to officially enter into the Eucharistic Crusade also makes promises. He starts off as a Page. If he is generous, after awhile he is accepted as a Crusader. It is as a Crusader that he will pray, go to Communion, and make sacrifices so as to be a true apostle...until he is found worthy to be admitted as a Knight.

Here are the promises:

FIRST DEGREE: The Page promises:

*To make the offering of himself, as well as his morning offering everyday.

*To say his evening prayers and fill in his Treasure Chart every evening.

SECOND DEGREE: the Crusader promises (on top of the promises of the Page)

*To say every day at least two decades of the Rosary.

*To receive Holy Communion every Sunday (if possible).

*To make at least one sacrifice every day.

*To fight against his dominant fault.

*To go to Confession at least once a month.

THIRD DEGREE: the Knight promises (on top of the promises of the Crusader)

*To say his Rosary every day.

*To make a spiritual Communion every day or to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament if possible.

*To do fifteen minutes of meditation every day.

*To go to Confession every two weeks.

These promises are serious and that is why one must prepare oneself carefully, by asking the advice of a good priest. (The promises do not oblige under pain of sin). The enrolment is done during a special ceremony during which the future member replies to certain questions asked by the priest. He then promises to remain faithful to his promises and then he receives the badge of the Crusade which he will wear visibly and with a certain legitimate pride. Every enrolled Crusader automatically receives the monthly bulletin of the Crusade, "The Guardian of Crusaders".


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