Eucharistic Crusade
Rule of the Crusader


    1. The Crusader is the elite soldier of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and he defends the banner of Our Lady.

    2. The Crusader was made to praise, honour and serve God, and thus save his soul.

    3. Above all else, the Crusader must convert his heart to God.

    4. The Crusader, by his prayers, by his sacrifices and his apostolate, undertakes with the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to save his soul and the soul of his brethren.

    5. The Crusader must have a great love for the Church, the Truth, and holy virtue of Purity, and his daily duties of state.

    6. The Crusader maintains in his heart a genuine spirit of Prayer of Poverty and of Penance.

    7. The Crusader refuses the broad way and follows rather the Royal Way of the Cross.

    8. The Crusader flees the spirit of the world and the occasion of sin.

    9. The Crusader, does not permit in his presence either blasphemy or impurity, cruelty or vandalism: he respects and does not misuse God's creation.

    10. The Crusader is meek in order to lead souls to God, strong in order to overcome himself, humble, generous and loyal. He is everywhere polie, pleasant, fervent and faithful.

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