Eucharistic Crusade


Faithful Till Death

Dear Crusaders,

Some time has passed since you received Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time.  It is longer still since the day of your baptism, when your godparents said for you: “I renounce forever, Satan, his works, and his allurements, and I promise to live according to the faith.” 

Even though time has passed, we must remember these sacred duties.  God witnessed your word, and He will not forget it.  That is why He gives you His flesh and His blood, to give you the strength to be faithful to Him until death.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is another means of strength in the spiritual battle against the devil.  While the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist gives us strength of one kind, Confirmation makes you strong soldiers of Christ, armed with good weapons to fight the enemies of your soul, in order to remain faithful to God until death.  In fact, the grace of the Sacrament of Confirmation can change ordinary children into heroes.

Let me tell you the story of one such hero, a twelve-year old boy who lived about 200 years ago.  This boy lived in Armenia, where the Turks waged a terrible persecution against Christians..  One day, the Turks took this boy and asked him to deny his faith in Jesus Christ.  “No way!” said the boy, with bold courage.  “Well, we are going to chop off your right hand.”  And they did.  The boy said to them,  “Here it is, take it.”  The Turks put a bandage on his amputated limb and they said, “If you don’t want to lose your second hand, deny your faith.”  “Never!”  The left hand fell to the ground.  Again, the Turks put a bandage on the other amputated limb.  A third time, the asked him, “Will you renounce your religion?”  The courage of the little boy did not fail.  He was not impressed by the hate of his executioners.  It was clear now that the next step was going to be the head of the 12-year old boy.  He told them, “Cut my head off, I want to live and die as a Christian!”  One stroke of the sword and the head of the little martyr fell to the ground while his soul went to heaven to hear these beautiful words from the mouth of God:  “Be faithful until death, and I shall give you the crown of life!” (Apoc.II,10).

Now, dear children, I am telling you, do the same.  Do not be afraid. And, like the little boy from Armenia, you will receive an everlasting crown of glory in heaven.

Father Dominique Boulet


* On June 9th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.

* Send all correspondence to:

Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC
V1T 6G5



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