Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

The Brown Scapular      

In 1251, at Ayelsford, England, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite monk. She gave him the Brown Scapular saying, "Whoever shall die wearing this habit, shall not suffer eternal fire." The Carmelite Order continued to spread from one country to another and the Brown Scapular; the beautiful habit of Our Lady, was worn by Kings and Queens, Priests and Brothers, Monks and Nuns, and many lay people.

Many years passed and in 1316, Pope John XXII became the new Pope. One morning while he was praying, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him saying, "John, Vicar of my Son, you must always be grateful to me for the high position and honour you enjoy as Pope, because I have begged my Divine Son to give you these special graces. Since I have delivered you from the snares of your enemies, I expect you to give plenty of favourable support, to the holy Carmelite Order, which was first begun on Mount Carmel, (in Palestine)."

I will help all members of the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular, who die and go to Purgatory, because of their sins. I their glorious Mother, will descend into Purgatory on the Saturday after their death, and will take them up to Heaven, the mountain of Eternal Life."

On March 3, 1322, Pope John XXII made this Sabbatine Privilege officially known by a Papal Bull. Now all Catholics wearing the Brown Scapular, would be protected by the same promise that Our Lady had made to all Carmelites. To gain the Sabbatine Privilege we must: (1) Wear the Brown Scapular during our life (2) Keep our souls pure, according to our state in life (3) Recite the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or say the Rosary, or not eat any meat on Wednesdays or Saturdays, except when Christmas falls on one of these days. In 1901, Pope Leo XIII gave all Confessors the authority to allow a person to fast or say the Rosary, instead of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

November is the special month for the Poor Souls, who suffer in the fires of Purgatory. Just imagine that you were in this fire for 100 years! It is hard to imagine, because you are not there. But the Poor Souls suffer in the terribly hot fires of Purgatory, every minute, until they are let out of that fiery prison, by the Masses, Prayers or Sufferings, of some helpful person.

You can release many souls from Purgatory, by your Masses, Rosaries, Prayers, and Sacrifices. This prayer will also help you to release many souls from Purgatory: "Eternal Father I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Amen"

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