Eucharistic Crusade

Question Page


1. What famous book did Thomas à Kempis write?

2. What was the real name of Thomas à Kempis?

3. Where was Thomas born? What year?

4. Where did Thomas à Kempis travel to, in the 1392?

5. Who helped Gerard Groot to change his way of life?

6. Who asked Gerard to start up a Community?

7. What was the name of the new community that Gerard found?

8. Which Order did Thomas join when he was 20 years old?

9. On which feast day did Thomas become a novice?

10. What special books did Thomas write out by hand? Why?

11. Who was John à Kempis? When did he die?

12. What happened when Thomas prayed and meditated?

13. Who did Thomas like to console?

14. What virtue did Thomas like to practise towards all?

15. When did Thomas à Kempis die? Where are his relics today?

16. In what year did Our Lady appear to St. Simon Stock?

17. What promise did Our Lady make to St. Simon Stock?

18. What must we do to obtain the Sabbatine Privilege?

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