Eucharistic Crusade


Wet The Ropes!

Dear Crusaders,

An obelisk stands in the plaza before the most famous church in the world, St. Peter’s, in Rome.  This obelisk is a very tall pillar, carved from a single block of granite.  That pillar was carved in Egypt, where it stood in front of a pagan temple for 20 centuries. 

A few years after the death of Our Lord, the Roman Emperor Caligula took it to Rome and set it up in the circus where thousands of Christians shed their blood for the true faith.  In 1586, Pope Sixtus V moved it to the centre of St.Peter Plaza.  This gigantic rock still stands there, but with a cross on top.  On the base of it, one can read in golden letters: “Christ triumph, Christ reigns, Christ triumph”.

There is an interesting story about an event that happened on the occasion of the last move of that rock.  Pope Sixtus V knew that it would not be easy to move that extremely heavy rock.  He hired the best architects and engineers to plan the move.  900 men and 140 horses were involved.  They laid down  rock first, then moved it along the top to the new site.  They went to work only after all the workers received the sacraments, and attended Holy Mass.  There were very strict orders that complete silence had to be kept, so everybody could follow the orders of Fontana, the head architect.  As they were laying down the monument, Fontana started to panic.  Under such tension, the ropes were becoming to hot that they were just about ready to break.  From the middle of the crowd, Bresco, a sailor, cried out loud: “wet the ropes!” Fontana was able to hear the warning.  They wet the ropes and the work was completed safely.

You too, dear children, should have a monument your soul that reads: “Christ triumph, Christ reigns, Christ triumph”. 

The Saviour Himself must come, live and reign in your soul.  It was there on the day of your baptism. but the ground is unstable now.  The monument must be fixed up and straightened with ropes.  Unfortunately, those ropes can also be made hot at the fire of passions, such as anger, jealousy, or the senses.  Like Fontana, the priests worry if your soul will withstand such attacks.  So, listen to the sailor, Bresco..  Pour water on the ropes of your soul, for as Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “The water I’ll give you will refresh you unto life everlasting.”  It is at the tabernacle you will find the Saviour’s springs to refresh your soul and give you everlasting life, and, if you pour that water on the ropes of your soul you will not fail under the fire of passions.  If you can, fetch up daily the waters of grace from Holy Communion (at least, do a Spiritual Communion). This will keep the building of your soul secure until it reaches heaven.

                                                                                     Father Dominique Boulet

  • On October 6th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.

  • Send all correspondence to:   Eucharistic Crusade

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