Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

Mary and the Little Girl          

October is the month of the Holy Rosary.  If you really want to please Our Lady, then you should say your Rosary well not only in October, but every day as well.  Remember, Our Lady of Fatima asked us to pray the Rosary every day, for world peace.

St. Louis de Montfort, who died in 1716, had a very special devotion to Our Lady.  Here is a true story that he wrote, which I would like you to remember.

It all happened over 286 years ago, in Paraguay, South America.  Two little girls were saying the Rosary very nicely, in front of their home.  Suddenly, a beautiful Lady appeared and walked towards the youngest girl, who was about six or seven years old.  The Lady took the child by the hand and led her away.  The older sister was very surprised and looked everywhere for her little sister.

After searching for a long time, the older girl finally decided to go home and tell her parents the terrible news, that her sister had been kidnapped!  The parents were heartbroken.  For three days, the poor parents searched for their little girl, but she was nowhere to be found.

At the end of the third day, to their great surprise, they found their little girl at the front door.  The little child was all smiles and a picture of happiness.  The joyful parents asked their little daughter, "Where have you been, we've been looking all over for you?"

The child had a wonderful story to tell her parents, "The Lady that I was saying the Rosary to, suddenly appeared.  She walked towards me and putting her hand in mine, she took me to a very beautiful place.  There the Lady gave me delicious things to eat and also gave me a Baby Boy to hold.  He was such a beautiful Baby and I kissed Him over and over again."

The girl's parents who had become Catholics, only a short time before, wanted to know the meaning of what had just taken place.  So they sent for the priest who had taught them about the Catholic Faith and the Rosary.  They told the priest everything that had happened.  Some time later, this priest told this story to St. Louis de Montfort.

Perhaps you have guessed by now, that the Lady was the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Baby was the little Baby Jesus.  If you say your Rosary well every day, you will earn the grace to see Jesus and Mary in Heaven when you die, and be happy with Them forever. 


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