Eucharistic Crusade

question page


1. What did Mary take with her when she moved into St. John’s home?

2. Who painted the picture of Our Lady?  Why?

3. Why did the Christians flee from the city of Jerusalem?

4. What did St. Helen give to her son Constantine?

5. Which Empress kept the miraculous picture of Mary hidden? Why?

6. What happened when the Tartars were fighting near the castle of Belz?

7. In what year did St. Ladislaus carry the miraculous picture of Our Lady to Jasna Gora?  Why?

8. What did St. Ladislaus have built at Jasna Gora?  Why?

9. Who broke the sacred picture of Our Lady?  What did one man do right after that?

10. What special thing happened in 1656?

11. What did the rich people of Poland donate for Our Lady's image?

12. What did the peasant women give to Our Lady?

13. Who gave the second crown to Our Lady of Czestochowa?

14. Who was Marcin?

15. What happened to Marcin's wife and two children?

16. What happened to three dead people at the shrine of Jasna Gora?

17. Why is the image of Our Lady of Czestochowa, a dark colour?


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