Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954
By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.


When you can find no more to say, read the following prayers. Do not hurry through them.

A. Act of Adoration. Jesus,-hidden in the small Host-which I have just received,-Thou art my God,-the Creator of heaven and earth, -the sovereign Master of all men.-I am very happy-to know that Thou are so powerful and so great.- I want to respect and obey Thee always.

B. Act of Thanksgiving. I Thank Thee, Jesus, for being so kind to Thy Crusader-For me, Thou became a little child.-For me, Thou died on the Cross.-For me, Thou instituted the Mass and Holy Communion-so that Thou might sacrifice Thyself for me and come into my heart. –I Thank Thee, Jesus, for myself and for all men, -especially for those who do not thank Thee.

A. Act of Love. Yes, good Jesus, - Thou love me very much,-though I am so little and weak. -I love Thee also, good Jesus-and because I love Thee,-I want to be a good Crusader and give you many souls.-Often during the day, I shall say to Thee: "Jesus, I love Thee."-I shall say it-when I shall have to suffer,-when I am tempted,-when a sacrifice costs,-when I fall and cause you sorrow.-And so, Thou will forgive me immediately-and I shall love Thee even more for it.

B. Act of Petition. O Jesus, so rich and so good,-I am sure that Thou can refuse me nothing-me who am so poor and miserable. - I would like so much to become a good Crusader, -a really courageous Crusader-and one who is always happy,-a Crusader who forgets himself in order to think of Thee and of souls. - Bless my good parents,-all those I love –all who are good to me.-Help us love one another better-and go to heaven all of us.-May all Catholic children-the world over-become good Crusaders.-and receive Holy Communion often -every day, if possible. May all sinners become good and love Thee much. Bring the souls in Purgatory to Heaven.  Good-bye, good Jesus. I love Thee.- I shall think of Thee often and shall say to Thee,.’Jesus, I love Thee." O Mary, my good Mother, I love thee.-Help me to love Jesus well.

Prayer to Jesus Crucified

Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in thy sight. and with the most fervent desire of my soul, I pray and beseech thee that thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with true contrition for my sins and a firm purpose of amendment; whilst with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate thy five most precious wounds, having before my eyes that which David spoke of Thee in prophecy: ..They have pierced My hands and My feet. They have numbered all My bones." (Ps. XXI, 17-18.)

A plenary indulgence is attached to the recitation of this Prayer before a Crucifix after we have received Holy Communion. We must add a few prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father; one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father suffice.

To be continued…


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