Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Handbook
of the Eucharistic Crusade

Canadian edition, 1954
By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. &  Jean Laramée, s.j.



In the Crusade, one aims at daily Mass and Communion and at frequent Confession.

-The ideal, then, is daily Communion. The average in practice is three Masses and communions a week. It would be very strange if a member of the Eucharistic Crusade did not receive Holy Communion at least once a week. (This holds, at least, for cities and towns.)

-If a well-disposed candidate has good reasons for not doing the minimum, he is not excluded because of this, but he makes up by spiritual Communions for the sacramental Communions he is obliged to forego. If, on the other hand, a child, through negligence or lack of spirit, does not want to resort to the Blessed Eucharist as often as he ought in order to keep himself in the state of grace and to give good example to others, then, evidently, he does not understand at all the Crusader'& program of generosity.

-When one has a grievous fault on one's conscience, one must always go to confession before receiving Holy Communion; when one has slight faults, one can always go to Holy Communion, but one always make a good act of contrition before going so. In the Crusade one tries to understand ever better and better the advantages of frequent Confession.

One goes to Confession not only to obtain the pardon of one's faults, but also to derive more purity, more merit and more love.

-A good Communion always requires, as remote preparation, the offering of some sacrifices; as immediate preparation, attentive assistance at Mass; and as thanksgiving, a quarter of an hour (not just five minutes) of prayer with a practical resolution for the coming day.

To be continued…


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