From the Handbook Canadian
edition, 1954
THE CRUSADER'S VISITS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT My child, it is not necessary to know a great deal in order to please Me. It suffices to love Me a great deal. Speak to Me simply, as you would speak to your best friend. Have you not persons to recommend to my care? Tell Me the names of your parents, your brothers and sisters, your friends. After each name add the favour that you would wish Me to grant them. Ask much, very much. I love generous hearts who forget themselves for others. Speak to Me of the poor whom you would like to console, of the sick whose sufferings you have witnessed, of the wicked whom you would like to convert, of persons who have not be nice with you and whom you would like to bring back to your affection. Recite a fervent prayer for each. Remind Me that I have promised to hear every prayer that comes from the heart, and does not the prayer which we make for those we love and who love us come straight from the heart? Are there not graces that you would wish to ask for yourself? Write down if you wish a long list of all the needs of your soul and come read it to Me. Tell Me frankly how sensual, proud, sensitive, selfish, cowardly and lazy you are, and beg Me to help you in the efforts you are making to overcome these tendencies. Poor child! Do not blush; there are in Heaven many of the elect, many saints, who have had the same defects.-They prayed to Me, and little by little they overcame themselves. Do not hesitate, moreover, to ask Me for the goods of body and mind: health, memory, success... I can give all these and I always do give them when they are useful to make souls more holy. What do you wish, today, my child? If you only knew the desire I have to do you good! Have you no project which occupies your mind? Tell Me about them in detail. ..About what are you thinking? What would you like? Is it a question: of pleasing your brother, your sister or those on whom you depend? What do you wish to do for them? And for Me? Have you not some thoughts of zeal? Do you not wish to do a little good to the souls of your friends, of those whom you love, and who perhaps forget Me? Tell Me in whom you are interested, what motive stimulated you, what means you wish to take. Make known to Me your failures, I shall show you the cause of them. Whom would you wish to interest in your work? I am the Master of all hearts, my child, and I lead them gently where I wish. Be at peace, I shall place near you those who will be necessary to you. Have you any grievances? O my child, tell Me your troubles in great detail who has given you pain? Who has wounded your self-love? Who has treated you with contempt? Tell Me everything, and you will end up by adding that you forgive, that you forget and I will bless you for this. Do you fear something painful? Is there in your soul that vague fear which although it is unreasonable, nevertheless disturbs you? Trust yourself entirely to my Providence. I am with you, I see all, and I shall not forsake you… Home | Contact
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