From the Handbook Canadian
edition, 1954
Canadian edition, 1954, By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. & Jean Laramée, s.j. (continued)
Dress and Modesty: In the Crusade, we strive to reproduce the ideal of modesty which is both a safeguard for the young girl, and her noblest adornment. The perfect type of this modesty is radiant in the Immaculate Virgin Mary. -A young girl, who, thanks to the atmosphere of a Christian family, has kept a sense of modesty, will have no need for the following rules. But for those, whom the spirit of the world blinds or deceives; a few practical remarks are necessary. -Young girls should request, always politely, the proper sort of dresses (and with proper sleeves to be sure) even in the intimacy of the family circle. We must remember that fashion is the art of dressing, not of undressing. In this fight to preserve modesty, we must react against the worldly notions so prevalent today: culpable vanity, too great seeking of comfort, cult of the body, etc. -Masculine costumes for girls are tolerated (not encouraged) when necessity seems to require it (for skiing, skating, etc.). Strenuous boys' games should not be permitted to girls, from a physical as well as from a moral point of view. -Tight pants are absolutely forbidden as also simplified bathing suits, etc. The wearing of these is certainly not authorized by good morals even if the pagan world would like to make them legitimate. Home | Contact
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