Here I am at the door!
Dear Crusaders, Dear children, the Saviour is knocking at the gate of your heart. Most of you had already the great happiness to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Do not keep your heart dark and cold, but remember to make it a clean & warm house for Jesus. A fox’s den would not be a fitting place for Jesus, the Lamb of God. Your little heart should be like a little decorated church like you see in the Christmas time. Like the red lamp that burns day and night before the Blessed Sacrament, your heart should be always burning out of love of Jesus which comes to dwell in your heart in Holy Communion. Like the priest who, every day, offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you should offer on the altar of your heart daily sacrifices to Jesus: the first one will be to get up on time in the morning, and offer your day to Jesus. Then, you will do your best to do well what you have to do during the day: if you go to Mass, follow it well; if you go to school, listen well to the teacher and do well your studies; bear patiently the tricks played to you by your comrades. Dear children, remember the promises of your Baptism and First Holy Communion. With such fervour, you approached to the Holy Table for the first time. Next Sunday, renew these resolutions, and if you missed your monthly Confession, do it soon. Always remain the attentive guests of the Heavenly Feast, so that Holy Communion will be truly for you the daily food that will sustain your soul into life everlasting. All my best wishes for Christmas, for you and your families, Father Dominique Boulet
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