From the Handbook
Canadian edition, 1954, By Fathers A. Poulin, s.j. & Jean Laramée, s.j. (continued)
The Difficult Ascent of the Pages, Crusaders and Captains We are often asked: “What should be required of those aspiring to become Pages, Crusaders and Captains before admitting them into the Crusade?” It is to give a concrete answer to this question that the Rev. Georges-Arthur D' Aoust, of the Diocese of Ottawa, has written: La Rude Montée des Croisés. The first trial was completed by the National Headquarters of the Eucharistic crusade; then, with the help of some Directors and Directresses, La Rude Montée was adapted for Pages, Crusaders and Captains. This work offers three stages of ascent: the ascent of the Page, the ascent of the Crusader, and Apostle, the ascent of the Captain, and Group-Leader. By means of a series of tests and examinations, the Crusader can, therefore, win successively his stripes as a Page, as a Crusader and an Apostle and as a Captain and a Group- Leader. These stages require a solid doctrinal foundation. In the Crusader, progress in the formation of the intellect should be accompanied by an equal progress in the formation of the will.- It is easy to examine one's knowledge, but the examination of the will and the heart is a more delicate matter. The task of seeing to it that the Crusaders prove their progress not only in the formation of their intelligence, but also in the formation of their will, is in the hands of the Chaplain, the Director or Directress. We should not forget, however, that the Crusade is a “school of formation” not a “school of perfection.” There is always room in the Crusade for Pages, Crusaders and Captains who are imperfect, but who show an incontestably good will.
A Crusade for our modern times “What is there left for us to do? My very dear brethren, thus we deepen this great mystery. Well I think I can say that we should set out on a Crusade, founded on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, on the Blood of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, founded on that invincible rock and on that inexhaustible source of graces which is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass… So I ask the young people, the young people who are here in this hall, to ask their priests to explain to them these things which are so beautiful, and so great, in such a way that they choose in their vocation, and that in all vocations they can choose, whether they be priests, religious, or couples wedded through the sacrament of matrimony, and thus in the Cross of Jesus Christ, and the Blood of Jesus Christ, married in the grace of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, that they might understand the nobleness of marriage and prepare themselves for it worthily, through purity, chastity, prayer and reflection that they might not allow themselves to be allured by all those passions which disturb the world. A Crusade of young people who should seek the true ideal… A Crusade also of Christian families… Christian families here present: consecrate your families to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; pray together in the family. I know many of you already do this, but may there be more and more who do it with fervour. That Our Saviour indeed reigns in your homes. You, dear priests, who are listening to me, you also make a deep priestly union to spread this Crusade, to urge on this Crusade, so that Jesus may reign, that Our Saviour may reign.” Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Jubilee Sermon (23 September 1979) Home | Contact
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