From the Manual
Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the Eucharistic Crusade, Rome (continued)
Educating the Youth to Live the Mass NORMS
3. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: To foster this friendship with Christ, the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as recommended to the faithful in ecclesiastical documents, will be of great assistance. In a manner, therefore, adapted to their mind and heart, let children earnestly cultivate a love of Our Saviour. From a diligent and zealous meditation on and knowledge of the life and person of Christ, let them offer their love in return. They should consecrate themselves and, by their sacrifices - by those sacrifices, especially, which are connected with a careful fulfilling of the will of God - they will make reparation for the sins by which men offend Him. 4. Devotion to Our Lady: Great and earnest care must be taken' to develop in children a deep love for and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. They should honour her with filial piety as their heavenly Mother and Mediatory of graces, and commit to her care and protection their lives and the purity of their hearts. To this end they are to dedicate themselves to the Blessed Virgin by making their daily offering to God through her who is Mediatrix with her Son. They ought also to recite the rosary daily, or at least one decade of it. Home | Contact
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