Eucharistic Crusade


The Good Shepherd

Dear Crusaders,

During the time of the Roman emperors in the southern Italian town of Imola, St. Cassian came to preach the name of Jesus. He was quite shocked to see the how much these pagans were worshipping idols.

He wondered how he could convert them to the true faith. He thought that he should start with the children. So, Cassian opened a school. As he was teaching the regular curriculum, Cassian took a chance, here and there, to say a few words on religion. Such thing could not stay hidden for a long time, and some parents reported Cassian. He was taken before the judge and ordered to give up the Christian religion. As he could not get him to change his mind, the judge had an idea. He got together some of Cassian’ students, and pushed them to strike their master. This is how St. Cassian suffered martyrdom, from the hands of his own pupils. The good shepherd had laid his life for his sheep.

There is another person that we call the Good Shepherd. It is Our Lord Jesus-Christ. He laid down His life for us, His sheep. During the ceremony of Good Friday, we sang: “O my people, what have I done to thee? I exalted thee with great strength; and thou didst hang Me on the gibbet of the Cross.”

Dear children, remember what Jesus did for you. How much He cares and loves you, as Good Shepherd of your souls. But, when you commit sin, you make Jesus suffer on the Cross. Promise Him to love Him and to fight against sin.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd of your souls. May you remain His faithful sheep!

With my best wishes for Easter,

February 11, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes                              Father Dominique Boulet

  • On April 10th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC V1T 6G5


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