Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Manual
of the Apostleship of Prayer

Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the
Eucharistic Crusade, Rome

 Crusader Pin

How to Make the Morning Offering


1°. Explanation of the doctrine.

A full knowledge of Christian doctrine is not required before the children can correctly make and fully live their Morning Offering, There are, however, a few truths which the children should know, and which should be explained to them more fully and more deeply as they grow older. According to the Norms, they are the following truths:

a) The children should know that by baptism, they were made sons of God. This they will know from their catechism classes. However it must be insisted on that this relationship to their heavenly Father and the great gift of grace received through baptism must be looked upon as the most important things in life and should be a source of great joy and strong motivation for doing good.

We owe to Christ the fact that we are sons of God for He freed us from sin and merited grace for us. We are brothers of Christ with Whom we must be joined in an intimate union of love. Love towards Christ is shown - by doing His will and by accepting gladly those little sacrifices which are involved in the observance of His will and in the general leading of a good life.

These sacrifices, united to the sacrifice of Christ, are the means by which we can pay honour to God, implore grace for ourselves and others, make satisfaction for our own sins and the sins of others, and cooperate in the spread of the Kingdom of Christ on earth.

It is sufficient with younger children to explain that we must love Jesus, and that out of love for Him we must also pray and make sacrifices for others. Afterwards this truth can he developed more and more fully until at last the children have some knowledge at least of the whole complex of truths of which we are speaking.

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