Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

The Nobleman and the Catechism

One day a nobleman named Charles, decided to go on a retreat.  The Franciscans lived nearby and he thought that being the good priests that they were, he would be able to have a good retreat there. 

Now a retreat is a place where you go usually for about one week, where some priests will talk to you about God, Heaven, Hell and other things that will help you stay on the road to Heaven.  Near the end of the retreat, you make a decision about what you are going to do in life, or what you will do to better yourself when you go back into the world.

The retreat started on a Sunday night.  When Monday came Charles noticed that he didn't get any jam with his bread and that there was no fruit on the table for breakfast.  Supper was usually a large bowl of good soup, bread and fruit.  Lunch was the main meal at the retreat and he didn't get the nice roast beef, or ham that he was used to getting at home. 

By Wednesday he was quite upset, so he went to see the Superior of the retreat and complained.  The Superior explained that it was necessary also to do some penance when on a retreat.  Charles admitted that even though the meals were simple, they were still tasty!

The rest of the retreat went well and Charles took notes about all the things that the Franciscans were telling him.  He was used to having a good job, lots of money, a beautiful house, and servants to help him and his family.  He realized that he had to overcome his love for the nice things in the world, and the things that money can buy.  So he made a resolution to do this and to give more money to the poor.

But on the last day of the retreat, the Superior said, "I want all of you to learn your Catechism well and to read one page of it every day."  That did it!  After the retreat Charles told the Superior, "You mean you want me to read the Catechism and not some other religious books?"    The Superior asked him three simple questions from the Catechism, and Charles was not able to answer the questions well.  Then the Superior said, "You see why I have asked you to learn your Catechism well?  The Catechism is a small little book on Theology, and it will help you to stay a good Catholic."

Charles knew that the monk was right and thanked him, and from then on he carried a Catechism with him!

So you see you must not only learn your Catechism when you are young, but you must also learn your Catechism as you grow older.  If you know your Catechism well, you will be able to keep your own soul on the straight and narrow path to Heaven.   And you will also be able to tell others about the Catholic Faith and help them to become Catholics for Heaven!


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