Eucharistic Crusade


Your true friend

Dear Crusaders,

One of the most encouraging things in life is to keep some good and faithful friends with you. While in their company, the joys of life will appear more delightful; and the sorrows of life will be softened. You will always enjoy the company of a good old friend. You may wonder where can you find such treasure?

I want to tell you that someone who is looking to be the friend of your dreams. It is Jesus-Christ, the true friend of children. Jesus told us: “unless you become like little children, you will not get into the kingdom of heaven”.

To get to heaven, you need a great purity of heart. Purity and innocence are the virtues of children. The soul of a child who received baptism is like a paradise, where beautiful flowers grow like the virtues of childhood. Your soul received the very special blessing of the sacrament of Baptism. Nowadays, there are many children who are not baptised: it is very sad. These poor little ones remain in the darkness; they don’t know anything about God, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary. What a pity!

King St. Louis always kept a kind memory of the date and place of his baptism. When he had to sign official documents, instead of using his title of king of France, he just wrote Louis of Poissy, because it was in the town of Poissy that he has been baptised.

In the same manner, dear children, never forget your baptism. On that day, you got a friend, Jesus-Christ. Make sure that you keep his friendship throughout your life. May your baptismal name be found in the book of the saints in heaven!

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On November 6th , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
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