Eucharistic Crusade

Results of a Good Resolution

Dear Crusaders,

        A young boy, who had made his First Communion only a few months previously, had been sent by his parents as an apprentice to a trade they had chosen for him.

On the day of his First Communion he had taken one great resolution, which at all hazards he was resolved to keep. It was this: "If by some great misfortune I should happen to fall into a. mortal sin, I will go to Confession before I retire to rest on that very same day."

This misfortune did occur. It was on a Saturday, and the weather was exceedingly stormy; moreover, the priest lived at a considerable distance from the place where he dwelt.

The tempter, who had been the occasion of his fall, suggested to him that he might easily delay his visit to the priest for a few days, considering he dwelt at such a distance and the weather was so unpropitious.

But suddenly recalling to mind his promise, he seemed to hear deep down in his soul a voice-perhaps it might have been that of his angel guardian-which urged him to go immediately: "Go to Confession at once: do as you promised."

For a moment he hesitated, but only for a moment. Falling down on his knees, he said a "Hail Mary," to obtain the grace of knowing the Will of God, and of following it.

His short prayer ended, he rose from his knees and set out for the church.

On his return he met his godmother, who inquired of him where he had been. He told her all, with joy on his countenance. "I could not go to sleep," he said, "until I had become reconciled to God."

His mother was accustomed on Sunday morning to allow her children a longer time for repose than on other days. According to her custom she went to the door of the little room in which he slept to awake him. A quarter of an hour afterwards she went again to see if he had risen; she knocked again, but received no answer. She then opened the door, and found him still in bed, asleep, as she thought.  "Rise quickly, you lazy boy," she said, as she approached the bed.  "It is half-past seven o'clock. Are you not ashamed?"

But seeing that he heeded her not, she took his hands within her own: they were cold. With terror she looked more closely at him. This look told her all. She screamed and fell on the floor insensible. The child was dead, and his body was already cold.  How fortunate for him that he had not delayed going to Con­fession !

            Dear children, learn from this example never to delay one instant returning to God if by misfortune a mortal sin has separated you from Him. Make immediately an act of contrition, and go to Confession as soon as possible.


                           Father Dominique Boulet

  • On January 9th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
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Vernon, BC V1T 6G5


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