Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Manual
of the Apostleship of Prayer

Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the
Eucharistic Crusade, Rome

 Crusader Pin

How to Educate the Youth to Live the Mass


This offering of our personal sacrifices and of our life ought to be united with the Mass. For only in union with the Sacrifice of Christ can our works have their true value and be acceptable to God. This is the way in which the Sacrifice of the Mass becomes the center of our lives and in which our union of love and sacrifice with Christ is made perfect. The Apostleship therefore insists that its members go to Mass frequently and receive Communion at least once a month.


A union of love and sacrifice demands personal sacrifices. These must be performed in the same spirit and with the same intention in which and with which Christ Our Lord and Leader offered His Sacrifice to the Father. Devotion to me Sacred Heart helps us to do this. For it introduces us into the mystery of the Jove of God and Our Saviour and builds up in us a love for Christ. At the same time this devotion provides the most effective means to meet present needs, namely, the acts of reparation and consecration. These acts acclaim, honour, and cultivate the mystery of the love of God, dishonoured and spurned by the sins of men.


Devotion to the Blessed Virgin also fits well into the sacrificial character of our lives as Christians. For as Mary had a special part to play in the sacrifice of the Cross and through this sharing is joined to the human race as Mother, Mediatrix and Advocate; so in the sacrificial union of the faithful with Christ, she intercedes in her special way as Mediatrix and Advocate. It is .for this reason that members of the Apostleship are invited to make their Morning Offering through Mary and - leaving other forms of Marian devo­tion to the free choice of each - to say daily at least one decade of her rosary. For this prayer is recommended by the Church and by Our Lady herself as a powerful help in the spiritual needs of our times.


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