Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

Mary is the Key to Heaven

Michael had no religion.  He believed in God, but that was all.  He knew nothing about the Catholic Church and he was forever asking questions.  "Why did God put me here? … What happens to me after I die? … What is the true Religion?" 

One day Michael happened to visit a weaving mill and there, a special weaving machine caught his attention.  He asked Pedro, one of the workers, about this machine.  Pedro showed him all the spindles of thread whirling around and the thousands of threads flitting back and forth in a way that made Michael's mind dizzy!

In the middle of the weaving machine there was a large box from which all the movements of the spindles and threads were directed.  Michael looked puzzled for a moment and said," I see all these movements, but they are confusing me.  I think I would be able to understand these movements and the machine itself, if I could take a look inside of that box over there."

"That is true," said Pedro, "but I cannot open that box because my master has the key!"

"And who is your master? Michael questioned.  "Maybe we can speak to him and he will show me what is going on inside the box."

Pedro went to get his master and the man brought the key for the box.  When he opened the box, Michael was able to understand so much better, the way in which the weaving machine worked.  At the same time he noticed a little statue of a woman that was fastened on top of the box.  "And what is this statue on the box," he questioned.

The master laughed and Pedro laughed too, "That is a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary," the master said.  "She looks after the weaving machines; she is the key to all our problems here at the mill, and she is the Key to Heaven.  When I have a problem I ask Mary for help; she asks her Son Jesus to help me and I always get the problem fixed!"

Michael thought for a moment.  "Can you tell me more about this 'Mary'; I am most interested to hear about her."  In time Michael learned about the Catholic Faith; all his questions were answered, and he developed a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

"Mary is the Key to Heaven."  Remember these words dear children and also remember the beautiful words of St. Bonaventure, "The gates of Heaven will open to all who go to Mary for protection." 


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