Eucharistic Crusade

Some Resolutions for the Holidays

Dear Crusaders,

School is over!  The holidays are a time of joy for children, but often a headache for parents who wonder, “What are we going to do with the kids this summer?”

If you worked hard at school, you well deserve the rest of summer vacation.  During school year, you have no choice, but to follow a rule: get up on time in the morning, go to school, to get your homework done and your chores at home.  As school is now over for the summer, does it mean that you don’t have any more to follow a rule?

Are you looking for ideas of a rule for the summer vacation? Follow the example of the saints.  The following is adapted from some resolutions for the holidays, taken on July 1, 1849 by St. Theophane Venard, as he was on vacation from the seminary:

I will get up the moment I wake, offering my heart to Jesus and Mary…I will go to Mass every morning, say my prayers and make an examination of conscience every day… In my intercourse with the outside world, I will be gentle and kind toward everyone, and especially toward my own family.  Of these resolutions, there are a few which I must strictly put into practice; such as those in regard to prayer, the examination of conscience, the visit to the Blessed Sacrament and the spiritual reading.  As to the other points, I may be less severe, especially if my friends or companions insist upon my accompanying them or on a party of pleasure.  In fact, I must be careful to do nothing singular or out of the way, so as to excite observation; all affectation, therefore, is tabooed.  If I can only keep always humble, charitable, and modest, I may escape some of the dangers of my long vacation.  I am sure good examples will not be wanting to me; and then, have I not the grace of God?

Best wishes for a good and sane vacation,

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On July10th and August14th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC V1T 6G5

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