Eucharistic Crusade


Be An Apostle

Dear Crusaders,

The motto of the Eucharistic Crusade says “Pray, Communicate, Sacrifice, Be an apostle”.  When you fill up your treasure sheet, you basically give a report on your prayers, communions and sacrifices.  But, what about being an apostle?  It seems to be something more difficult to put into practice.  Does it mean that you have to go out, and give a sermon to the people?  No, it is not your job!  What you can do is pray, make sacrifices and receive communions.  This is how you can be an apostle.

First, you will be an apostle of good example.  It will remind your friends or family members that they too have to pray, receive the Sacraments, and offer up sacrifices.

Second, you will support the apostolate of the priests, labouring in the Lord’s mission field.  St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus is called the patroness of missions, though she never went out of her convent.  She was offering her life to help missionary priests, especially those in Northern Canada.

Third, you will support the apostolate of the priests by keeping your heart open to answer to the call of God.  Our Lord said that the harvest field of souls is huge, but the number of labourers is small.  A true Crusader should pay attention to the call of the great St. Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies, who said: “How mistaken are all those unfortunate men who turn to their own advantage the talents and knowledge which God gave them for the good of their brethren! What an account they will have to give one day of their knowledge and their talents! How often it has come into my mind to go through the academies of learning, even though I should be considered a fool, and to cry aloud to all those wise men who have more learning than fear of God: By your fault a numberless multitude of souls are shut out from the kingdom of heaven, and plunged into the everlasting abyss.”

Pray for the priests: they are called to save souls!

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On June 19th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC V1T 6G5

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