Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks

The Farewell

Not long ago there lived a rich young man named Bernard, who was living a very carefree life, gambling, drinking, partying and just wasting his time.  His father had been a rich merchant.  When he died he left all the money to his only son, as his wife had died many years before.

One day Bernard had a terrible accident.  He had been racing his "Porsche" car down the highway with another friend.  They were trying to see who could reach a certain tree the fastest.  There was a tree a mile away from where they started; and the race was on.  The tires were squealing and the cars were speeding along at 100 miles an hour! 

Bernard was winning, he was almost at the appointed tree when suddenly he hit a wet spot on the highway and the car flew into the ditch.  Over and over it rolled with poor Bernard hollering for help.  He wasn't wearing his seatbelt and he was being tossed around in the car like a football.  Suddenly the car stopped with a thud and Bernard banged his head against the dashboard.  He was knocked unconscious!

His friend Peter was in shock, but he called and ambulance, and when it came they lifted poor Bernard onto the stretcher.  His legs and one arm were broken and he wasn't talking.  When Bernard finally came to he was in a hospital bed and had a cast on one arm and both legs.  His head was bandaged, as he had a cut on his head, and he was in much pain.

Peter was there and Bernard was glad to see him.  But there was someone who Bernard was not glad to see; it was the hospital Chaplin.  He had come in and asked Bernard if he wanted to receive Communion or go to Confession.  At this, Bernard flew into a rage, "Get out priest!  I didn't ask for you!  Go away!"

The priest remained calm, he quickly reached into his pocket, pulled out a small crucifix, and laid it on the bed saying, "I am leaving your best friend here to bid you farewell!" and with that he turned and was gone.

Bernard thought the priest was speaking about his friend Peter.  He waited and waited, but Peter did not come back into the room.  Peter had left because he was shocked at the way Bernard had spoken to the priest.  Suddenly Bernard noticed the crucifix which the priest had left on the bed covers.  He lay staring at the crucifix.  Tears began to roll down his cheeks; he realized who his best friend was.  It was Jesus on the cross! He called for the priest and made a good confession.  After that he lived a good life, working, going to Mass and telling others about the love of God.

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