Eucharistic Crusade

The Dent

Dear Crusaders,

            The feast of Easter is coming.  As you know, the Church asks all her children to go to confession at least once a year.  As Christ rose from the dead, his children should rise from the tomb of sin. 

            On a stormy day a boat was shaken by the waves and all the sailors on board thought that it was the end.  Everybody prayed for the sea to calm down.  Suddenly, the storm calmed down, and the ship was able to reach the port.  A few days later, the captain found writing engraved on one of the boards.  A sailor told the captain: “I am the one who wrote that, to remind us how we were saved on that stormy day.” 

            Dear children, the day of your confession can also be a stormy day.  A storm goes through your soul to prevent you from making a good confession.  In remembrance of the safe rescue of your soul, you should write your resolutions deep in your heart so you will not forget it, like an engraving.  What will be the meaning of that writing? Perhaps there is something going wrong in your soul?  Do you have a habit of lying or something else?  Find out and engrave your promise to change in your heart.  It is your heart that must change.  To make sure that this promise will not wear off, renew it often.  On the stormy days, remember to say: “My God, I belong to Thee.  Nothing shall separate me from Thee.”

                                                            Father Dominique Boulet


  • On March 20th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC V1T 6G5

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