Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Manual
of the Apostleship of Prayer

Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the
Eucharistic Crusade, Rome

 Crusader Pin

How to Educate the Youth to Live the Mass


The Morning or Daily Offering is the basic spiritual practice of the Apostleship of Prayer and of the Eucharistic Crusade. This Offering is not just an act made one or more times a day. Rather it is the expression of a state of mind and heart which should dominate the whole of our lives. The Offering should not only be made but lived.

In order that the Offering may have such influence, it is neces­sary that certain truths and doctrines upon which it depends be deeply impressed on the mind and heart.

These truths must be explained to children, according to their capacity, so that they may understand the meaning and importance of the Morning Offering and learn to make it more perfectly every day. They ought to be familiar especially with the following doctrines:

1. By baptism, we are made sons of God.
2. As sons of God, we must be united to Christ in an intimate
union of love and sacrifice.
3. Likewise we are called to cooperate in the spread of the Kingdom of Christ in the world.

From these doctrines, the meaning and importance of our offering follows. The Morning Offering is therefore:

      1. A means of honouring God;
      2. A means of saving souls, of spreading the Kingdom of Christ in the world.

Therefore our Norms lay down that children be instructed about the following three points:

1. How to make the Morning Offering;
2. How to pray;

3. How to live a Christian life.

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