Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little Folks


There is a big Cross on top of Mount Saleve in Geneva, Switzerland.  It stands right at the edge of a cliff and overlooks the whole valley of the Rhone.  Exactly at the same height as this Cross is the beginning of a very thick fog that settles in, and continues on down the mountain to the valley below.

One day a stranger named John, was climbing up this mountain.  About half-way up he met a farmer and said, "Hello there, could you please tell me when I am going to get out of this fog?"

The farmer replied, "You must go up to the Cross; at the Cross it becomes clear."

John continued on his way and when he reached the Cross, he looked out over the valley.  What a surprise he got!  The whole valley below was covered in a thick fog; the city, the lake, the fields; everything.  But from the Cross and upwards, all was clear; the sun was shining brightly and there was not a cloud to be seen!  John thought, "How true are the farmer's words, truly, at the Cross it does become clear!" and he sat down to think about the beautiful sight.

"At the Cross, it becomes clear!"  These words speak to us about a very great truth.  When we place ourselves at the foot of a crucifix, and we think about the sufferings of Jesus, our sufferings become clear.  Here we realize that our little sufferings are not so bad.  Here we can offer up our little pains and sufferings to the good God and remind ourselves that Jesus suffered much worse pains.

When we see Jesus suffering on the Cross, we should think:        1) Jesus suffered for my sins by wearing a Crown of Thorns; I should never be proud.  2) Jesus suffered for my sins when His hands were nailed to the Cross; I should always use my hands to do good and not hurt anybody with them.  3) Jesus suffered for my sins when His feet were nailed to the Cross; I should always use my feet to do good and not use them to go to places where I will sin.  4) Jesus had His heart pierced with a spear; I must always love all people, especially my enemies.  But most of all I will be a good Catholic and love Jesus with all my heart, so that I will not sin and cause Jesus pain!   


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