Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Manual
of the Apostleship of Prayer

Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the
Eucharistic Crusade, Rome

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How to Make the Morning Offering

The practice of the Offering:

Since there is no set form laid down for the Morning Offering, it can be made in the simplest form possible. It is enough if the children first use the formula, “Jesus, all for Thee,” and are told how to say these words first thing in the morning and from time to time during the day.

Then they are old enough to understand, they can be taught the form more generally in use. Older children should be taught why the oblation is made “ to the Heart of Jesus,” “through Mary”, and "for the intentions of the Holy Father.”

“To the Heart of Jesus” – because we wish to make a return of our love for the love of Christ, from Whom we expect all.

“Through Mary” - because she is our Mother and Advocate with her Son.

“For the intentions of the Holy Father”- because he is the Vicar of Christ on earth whom we wish to serve and with whom we wish to be united in a special way.

The explanation of the Offering and its more perfect use depends primarily on the progress made in the education of the children in the practice of prayer. For this oblation draws its great efficacy from the dose union it establishes between the practice of prayer and daily life.

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