Eucharistic Crusade


The Boy and His Devotion to the Blessed Virgin

Dear Crusaders,

In the early part of the eighteenth century there lived in France a young man who publicly denied his faith and did everything in his power to hurt the Church. Out of hatred for the Church he decided to go and offer his services to the army of the Sultan of Turkey, to make war upon Christians. So he set out for Turkey. On his way he was attacked by robbers. Fearing for his life, he began to pray and promised the blessed Virgin that if the robbers would spare his life, he would return to France and do penance for the rest of his life. The robbers, after searching him for money, gave him his liberty. When out of danger the young man forgot his promise and continued his journey, reached the capital of Turkey and tendered his services to the Sultan. He was soon made an officer in the army.

One night this young man had a terrible dream. He heard the voice of Satan demanding his soul from God, claiming that it had deserved hell a thousand times. The devil stated that he himself was condemned for a single sin, whereas this wretch had offended often, renouncing even his God by joining the army of the infidels. Since no answer was given by God, the devil urged his demand, asking whether it was fair to save the soul of this man just because he made a vow he never thought of keeping, and he then reproached God most bitterly for permitting the Immaculate Mother to interfere in this as in countless other cases.  The terrified young man awoke. The dream was so vivid, he imagined he still heard the voice of the devil ringing in his ears…

You want to know what happened then to that boy?  Read the November bulletin.

With the assurance of my prayers and my blessing,

Father Dominique Boulet

  • Unforeseen events often force me to change the date of the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.  From now on, I will give you the date of the past month:  September 18th.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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Vernon, BC V1T 6G5

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