Eucharistic Crusade
Little Talks to Little Folks

The Power of the Rosary

Blessed Thomas of St. John was well known for his sermons on the Rosary. Many people loved his sermons because he explained so well the beautiful mysteries of the Rosary. He explained that the Joyful Mysteries were about the Holy Family and the Child Jesus when He was young. Thomas explained that the Sorrowful Mysteries were about the sorrows of Jesus from His Agony in the Garden to the time of His Crucifixion, and also about the sorrows of Mary. And he explained that the Glorious Mysteries were about Jesus and Mary.

But the devil was angry because Blessed Thomas converted many people by his sermons. The devil tortured Thomas so much that he became sick. He was sick for a very long time and the doctors were not able to help him!

One night when Thomas really thought that he was dying, the devil appeared to him as a very ugly monster! Poor Thomas was frightened out of his wits. There was a picture of Our Lady near his bed, so he cried out to Our Lady, "Help me, save me, my Sweet Mother!" Suddenly, after crying out to Our Lady, the picture came alive! Then Our Lady put out her hand, took Thomas by the arm and said, "Do not be afraid, Thomas my son! Here I am and I am going to save you! Get up now and go on preaching my Rosary as you used to do. I promise to save you from your enemies!"

When Our Lady said this, the devil fled back to Hell, and Thomas got up. He found that he had been cured by Our Lady! He then thanked Our Lady with tears of joy. He continued preaching about the Rosary and his sermons again, helped to convert many sinners.

Our Lady blesses those who preach her Rosary and she also blesses those who say her Rosary well. Surely you will want to say your Rosary well, so that you will please Jesus and Mary. And you will want to say your Rosary well so that Our Lady will send the devil back to Hell, when he tempts you!

It is important that you say your Rosary all the days of your life, so that you always get the special blessings of Jesus and Mary. It is also important to say your Rosary with your family. And remember to pray for your family, your friends and your enemies. And pray for the Pope and for priests! Remember, everybody needs your prayers!


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