Eucharistic Crusade


Some Resolutions for the New Academic Year

Dear Crusaders,

In my editorial for the July-August bulletin, I invited you to follow a rule during the summer vacation. This was two months ago and many things happened since!

It would be interesting to make a survey to find out which Crusaders have been able to make and keep the rule of the Eucharistic Crusade during the summer months.  With the small number of treasure sheets I received for the month of July, I have reason to wonder.

Anyway, back to school; then it is usually easier to remember, and log, your duties as Crusaders of the Eucharistic Crusade.

On my side, to help you, I plan to have regular meetings of Crusaders for our Crusaders of British Columbia, especially in Langley.  The dates and times of such meetings will be announced in “Star of the Sea”, the monthly bulletin of the Society of St. Pius X in British Columbia.  My goal is to start in October.  I will also be in touch with fellow priests across Canada to organize similar meetings in the other provinces where the Eucharistic Crusade is established. 

For now, I am inviting you to do the following little test of fervour in the Eucharistic Crusade. You will find it below.

Best wishes for the school year,

Father Dominique Boulet


  1. a) You always wore properly your badge.
    b) You forgot it at home.
    c) You lost it
  2. a) During the play time, you played with good mood and enthusiasm.b) You were looking at others play, chewing your gum.
    c) You were always fighting with others.
  3. a) To get some rest, you were read a good book given by your mother.
    b) You were devouring the cartoons.
    c) You were watching TV or listen to Rock music.
  4. a) By your zeal, some of your friends have become Crusaders.
    b) When you were asked what signified your badge, you did not dare answer or you stumbled through it.
    c) You criticized the crusade saying that it was old fashioned.
  5. a) When you woke up, you recited your offering and mentioned the intention of the month.
    b) Sometimes you said it, but you had forgotten what was the intention of the month.
    c) You never made your morning offering.
  6. a) You always filled in your treasure sheet and sent it right away to thesecretariat.
    b) You forgot it sometimes and it remained in your bedside drawer.
    c) You abandoned it completely.
  7. a) You helped your mother with the smile.
    b) You helped her grudgingly.
    c) You requested to be served by others.
  8. a) You recited your rosary every day.
    b) You recited it from time to time.
    c) You have abandoned one of the most powerful weapons of the crusader.

For each response a) : 10 points F or each response b) : 5 points F or each response c) : 0 point
80 points = crusader 100 %

70 points = crusader slackening
60 points = mediocre crusader

50 points = half-way crusader

40 points = crusader in bad shape

30 points = dying crusader

20 points = traitor!

Under 20 points, shake up quickly, before the Good Lord shake and shape you up Himself!

  • On September 4th, I’ll say the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
3012 – 37 Street
Vernon, BC V1T 6G5

E-mail address:


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