Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Gold Cross

Many years ago there was a holy hermit who lived in the desert, in Egypt.  One day he went to Alexandria and there was a fair going on.  He passed a tent where there was only little gold crosses to be had.  The hermit wanted to buy one of these crosses but he thought he did not have enough money to buy one.  He went into the tent anyway and took one of the crosses in his hand.  Then he asked the owner, "How much are you selling these crosses for?"

The owner looked kindly upon the hermit and said, "I do not sell these crosses, but I give them as a present to those who love the cross!"

The hermit exclaimed, "Then it is easy to buy one of these crosses, if one has nothing to pay!"  He picked out the little cross that he liked best and said, "Thank you very much for giving me this little cross, it is very beautiful." and he started to leave the tent.

But before he left the owner smiled and said, "My brother, it is indeed good to give thanks for a cross."

The hermit made his way home, but just after he returned to his home he came down with a terrible fever.  From day to day the fever became worse and worse and his health became so bad that he was hardly able to do anything at all!

The hermit had completely forgotten about his little gold cross but one day the thought of it flashed through his mind.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his little gold cross.  He looked at it more closely and noticed that there was a word written on his cross; it read "FEVER!"

Immediately the hermit realized that the man in Alexandria who had given him the gold cross was Jesus.  Up to this time the hermit had borne the fever with much patience but from this hour on he bore the fever with holy joy!  This is because he knew that Jesus himself had given him this cross.

The days passed and the poor hermit became weaker and weaker, but he still remained joyful and patient.  One day when he had no more energy left, Jesus came and stood beside his bed.  And Jesus appeared just like the man in Alexandria, who had given him the gold cross!  Then the hermit died and Jesus led his soul into the glorious kingdom of Heaven.

The little crosses we have are special presents from Jesus.  Oh it's hard to believe that a cross is really a present when it seems so hard to carry but these little crosses are things that help us get to Heaven.  Eating food you don't like, keeping your room clean, washing the dishes, doing your homework, studying for an exam; these are all little crosses that can help you get to Heaven, if you carry them joyfully.  And you will also help to save the souls of other people if you carry them well!   


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