Eucharistic Crusade

The Baptism Promises

Dear Crusaders,

On the occasion of the Holy Week, there will be some very special ceremonies at Church.  One of the most beautiful ones is the Easter Vigil.  On the occasion of this holy night, three things will be blessed: the fire, the Paschal Candle, and the Water for baptisms.  At the end of the blessing of water, the priest will invite all the people at church to renew their baptism promises, by which they solemnly renounced Satan and all his works.  The devil is the enemy of God and the enemy of men.  He hates us, because we have been made in the likeness of God.  He wants to make us unhappy in this life and after death.  

Now, it is up to you: do you want to be children of God, or children of Satan, because you cannot be both.  When you say, “I renounce Satan”, it means that you promise before God and before men not to listen to the devil, but to hate him with all your strength.  Then, when you say, “I renounce to his works,” it means that you want to renounce disobedience and any kind of sin, which is Satan’s work.

You heard about the story of St. Tarcisius.  He was a young boy from Rome, who was asked to bring Holy Communion to the Christian in jail, who were waiting for their martyrdom.  On the way, he met other boys who asked him to come to play with them.  He told them that he could not play because he had a very important business to do. The boys noticed that Tarcisius was hiding something under his coat.  They beat him to death, but Tarcisius would not let his treasure go.  A Christian soldier picked up the body of the young boy and brought it back to the priest.

Dear children, like St. Tarcisius, you carry a treasure in your hands; it is the treasure of the grace of baptism.  Keep it preciously. For nothing in the world, you should abandon your baptism promises.  If one day you are facing danger, say from the bottom of your heart, “O Jesus, rather death than sin.  Nothing shall separate me from My Jesus!”

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On March 1st , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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