Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Punishment

There is a famous church that was built in Tirol, Germany by John Lutz, who completed it in 1519.  Among the men who were helping to build this church, was a man named William Grossmund. 

John was one of the best builders around and people loved his work.  William envied his master, John, because he was so good at building beautiful places, like churches and houses.  And when other people would talk about how beautiful John Lutz's buildings were, this made poor William even more envious. 

William would often make evil remarks about his master, to the other workers.  And before long his envy turned into hatred and he made plans to kill his master.

One evening, William put his plan into effect.  When the workers were finished their work he remained at the church. He climbed up to the highest point of the steeple-scaffolding and fixed one of the planks so that no one would notice that it was loose.  William knew that his master was always the first one to climb up the scaffolding each morning.  Now he was sure that when his master stepped on the loose plank, he would fall to the ground, and be killed instantly!

Having done his evil deed, William went to a tavern and ordered some supper.  But while he was eating his supper, he remembered that he had left some of his tools on the scaffold.  On his way home he climbed the scaffolding again, in order to get his tools.  But without thinking, he stepped on the loose plank, fell to the ground and died!

Certain remarks which William had made to those who ate with him at supper that evening, together with the way he had died, clearly showed that God had punished him for his evil deed.

Sometimes you might envy your friend who has nicer clothes than you do, or maybe you might envy your brother who has a nice toy airplane, or your sister who has a nicer doll than you do.  If you start to think this way, you must remember that God is watching you and He knows what you are thinking.

And you must remember this, God has given you the things that you have and He has given your brother, your sister, or your friend, the things they have, so you must be happy about the way things are. And remember also, that if God wants you to have something better some day, He will do so.  God's Holy Will is always best!

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