Eucharistic Crusade

A gift to Jesus!

Dear Crusaders,

Today, I want to write a few words especially for the members of the Eucharistic Crusade who just received the sacrament of Confirmation over the past weeks. The visit of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais was truly a blessing for all of us. Let us be very thankful to this good bishop who travelled from one sea to the other to give this beautiful Sacrament of Confirmation. We are truly blessed to count amongst us a few more souls who were made perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.

The motto of the Eucharistic Crusade, Prayer – Communion – Sacrifice – Apostolate, gives to newly confirmed a true program to follow, and helps them to stay faithful to the grace of that powerful Sacrament.
During this season of Advent, and the coming time of Christmas, you should find many of occasions to practice your motto, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

One of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, the gift of wisdom, gives us a relish for the things of God and directs all our actions to His honour and glory. The coming of Jesus at Christmas is a good reminder that we have to be guided by this gift of wisdom. Many children in the world think only about the gifts they will receive at Christmas, and the good food they will have at Christmas dinner. But for you, members of the Eucharistic Crusade who received the sacrament of Confirmation, you know that the most important gift that will be given to men will be Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all men. I am asking you to remember to do one thing at Christmas: go to the crib, and join the shepherds to offer something special to the Child Jesus, according to the motto of the Eucharistic Crusade: a prayer plus a sacrifice plus a communion. Do not be cheap in the gift you will offer to Jesus, but follow the gift of wisdom to give Him the best: He deserves!

In the Sorrowful Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On November 5 , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Here is the new address for the Eucharistic Crusade in Canada:
St. Pius X Priory,
905 Rang. St. Matthieu
Shawinigan, Quebec, G9N 6T5
Fax: (819) 537-6562

The e-mail address will remain the same as before:
E-mail address:


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