Eucharistic Crusade


Two Gardens

Dear Crusaders,

If it be possible, I would like to invite you to go pay a visit to the Garden of Paradise.  Can you imagine how nice it was!  That garden was filled up with the most beautiful creatures that ever came out of the hands of God.  In that place, our first parents enjoyed perfect happiness.  They did not have to suffer of cold, heat, hunger and thirst.  They could not catch any illness, and did not have to worry about anything.  God fed them with the fruit of life, so that they would not have to die.  God treated them so well, because He could see man as an image and likeness of Himself.

Then a catastrophe happened: the original sin, which destroyed everything.  Because Adam disobeyed God, he put himself under the power of the devil.  It is because of the original sin that bad things are happening now in the world.

From the lost garden of Paradise, there is another garden I want to talk about.  This garden is accessible to all of us.  On the day of our First Holy Communion, we were invited to that garden.  We can visit that garden as often as we attend Mass and receive Holy Communion.  Then, our soul is fed by a special fruit from heaven: the Holy Eucharist.  Like the fruits from Paradise, the Holy Eucharist is growing on a tree.  That tree is made of two beams bound together in a form of a cross.  Our dear Lord Jesus is hanging on that tree.

Now, look at an orchard – like the many ones we have in the Okanagan valley.  In early spring, trees are covered of white and pink flowers.  When the blooming happens early in the season, farmers worry because a frost could come at night and kill all the flowers that should have produced nice fruits.

In the same manner, one single mortal sin would destroy instantly all the merits of our good actions.  Let us take the firm resolution to avoid it at all costs.

“Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.”

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On January 8th , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
Eucharistic Crusade
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Vernon, BC V1T 6G5


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