Eucharistic Crusade

The Doctor of Bodies and the Doctor of Souls

Or: How kind actions are never left unrewarded

Dear Crusaders,

This summer, you may have a number of occasions to give help and give good example. This story will tell you how kind actions are never unrewarded. There was a famous doctor, who hid a kind heart beneath a rough exterior. One day a priest came to see him. He was poorly dressed, and had a mild and gentle expression. The doctor asked him in his usual rough man­ner what he wanted; and the good priest explained in a few words that he was suffering from a bad growth on the head. The doctor glanced, and said: “Nothing I can do for you; you’ll have to put up with.” The good priest rose, asked the doctor to excuse the trouble he had given him, and moved quietly away. Struck by the calmness of his manner and by his simple unselfish reflection, the doctor roughly recalled him, made another and a more careful examination, and said: “Tomorrow, come over to the hospital, I’ll try to take it out, but no guaranty!” “No problems” replied the priest. At the hospital, as the doctor was about to start the surgery, he told his assistants to hold the patient; but the holy priest, raising his eyes toward him, said quietly and firmly: “It is unnecessary, doctor; I shall not move.” And he did not move, but during the operation, as he was bleeding, he remained motionless, his eyes fixed upon the image of his crucified Saviour. The next day, the doctor returned, took off the bandages, and said to the priest: “It is going on well: you’ll make it.” The good priest raised his eyes to heaven, took in his, and said:

“Thank you so much, doctor. I will keep you in my prayers.”

Many years passed by, and the famous doctor seemed to have forgotten the humble priest; but his calm, and gentle face was deeply engraved on his heart. When he realized that he was about to die, the doctor remembered that there was a God to whom he must render an account of his works, and he remembered also that holy and humble priest that he helped, and who had promised not to forget him. Then he asked for the poor country priest. Shortly after, the priest was at his side. In exchange for the life of the body which the famous doctor had preserved to him, the priest gave to the doctor the most precious gift of the life of the soul. With great faith, the doctor of bodies received the Last Rites from the doctor of souls, and died peacefully. God thus rewarded him for his good work. “Whosoever shall give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.”   

Father Dominique Boulet

  • On June 18 and 25 , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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