Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Beggar and the Angel

One day a poor beggar named Philip, was going from house to house, and begging at every door, for a penny, to buy something to eat. He was complaining about being poor, and he was wondering why it was, that people who had so much money were never satisfied, but always wanted more.

“Here in this house,” he said, “is a man who made himself rich, a long time ago. But he was not satisfied; he sent great ships across the sea to trade with China, India, Africa and other places. He was hoping to get lots of gold, but sometimes there were great storms on the sea and his ships were wrecked. Now all his hopes lie at the bottom of the sea, and his great wealth has disappeared. People are never satisfied unless they can gain the whole world! But as for me, if I only had enough to eat and to wear, I would not want anything more!

Now, we all have a Guardian Angel, and Philip’s Guardian Angel was listening to poor Phillip. He thought, “It’s God’s will that Philip should be a poor man, and it’s God’s will that Philip should stay this way until his death, in order to save his soul. I will teach Philip a lesson that he will never forget, and that will help him.”

Suddenly the Angel appeared to Philip saying, “Philip, I am your Guardian Angel and I heard you complaining. Do you want me to help you in some way?”

“I certainly do!” cried Philip. “I’m already 75 years old, and I am in poor health. It’s getting harder and harder for me to go begging. I would like to have enough food and clothes during my life, so that I wouldn’t have to beg any more.”

“Very well,” said the Angel, “I will whisper in the ear of Mr. Stewart, who is a generous millionaire. And I will tell him to give the next beggar who comes along, some gold coins! Then, you go there and collect the money. But be careful, if you take too much, your tiny, leather pouch will break, and any coins that fall to the ground will turn to dust!” then the angel disappeared.

Philip went to Mr. Stewart’s place and begged for money, and sure enough, the man brought out some gold. As he was placing the gold coins in Philip’s tiny, leather pouch, he asked, “Do you want more?”

Philip said, “Please, a little more, then I shall be set for the rest of my life.”

“Is that enough?” asked the man.

“Just a few more coins and that should be enough!” said the beggar.

“There, now it’s full,” smiled Mr. Stewart.

“Well, maybe one more coin?” Philip added.

“Very well, now have a nice day!” said Mr. Stewart and he entered his house.

Just then, Philip gazed at his tiny pouch of coins, but it suddenly burst apart, and every gold coin fell to the ground and turned to dust. “Oh, if only I had not been so greedy, I should still have my gold coins!” Philip cried out.

His Guardian Angel suddenly appeared again, saying, “Ah Philip, so you were greedy and not satisfied with a few gold coins. Now you are poor again. Let that be a lesson to you. And remember, I am near and will always help you!”

“I will,” said Philip, and he remained poor, but happy, the rest of his life.

Remember, God will help you in some way, even if you are poor. You must trust in God, and not want to be rich. And if you have money or goods, always remember to give to the poor. By doing so, you will be giving to Jesus!

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