Eucharistic Crusade

Saved by the Memory of his First Communion

Dear Crusaders,

There was a priest who was visiting a hospital entrusted to the care of a sister of charity who was zealous both for the care of the sick and for the salvation of their souls. She told him: “Father, when you are done, please go to bed No. 39; you will find there a young man who cannot live more than a few days. I have tried in vain to get him to listen to me or speak to me, but he has driven me away from him three or four times, and has only received the chaplain with bad words. He will probably receive you in the same way, but no trouble must be spared. We must only consider the glory of God, and the poor soul to be saved.” “Well, my good sister,” the priest replied; “if he dismisses me, no big deal! I shall be dismissed, that is all. But say a Hail Mary for the poor man while I go and speak to him.”

The priest arrived at No. 39. It gave him quite a shock when he saw that poor man. Obviously, he was not going to live very long. As he approached his bed, he looked at him without speaking.

“The sister has told me, my poor friend, that you are suffering much, and that you have been ill for a long time. Is there anything I can do for you?” No answer. ¬ The expression of the sick man was scary, and the priest thought that he would swear at him. But suddenly divine Providence sent him a good inspiration. The priest went close to the sick man, and said in a whisper, “Did you make a good first communion?” These words had the effect of an electric shock. The expression of his face changed, and he murmured: “Yes, sir.” “And were you not happy at that time?” “Yes, sir,” and the priest could see that his eyes had filled with tears. “And why were you happy then, if not because you were pure and chaste, loving and fearing God, living a Christian life? But this happiness may be yours again; God is as merciful as then; He has not changed!” He was still weeping. “I am sure you would be glad to make your confession?” “Yes, Father.” Right away, the priest heard his confession. The priest did not know what followed; but that which remains deep on his heart, was the marvellous power of the mercy of God, which could convert a hardened heart in an instant. The remembrance of his first communion alone sufficed to convert and probably to save this dying man. Dear children, see how important it was to make well your first communion, and moreover to keep fond memories of it!

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On April 30th , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
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