Eucharistic Crusade

Little Talks to Little People

The Three Paintings

This story happened many years ago when there were knights in shining armour.  Very early one morning, a knight rode forth from his castle wanting to do battle with his enemy.  This knight was Hildebrand, a brave and noble man.  He had been very insulted by another knight named Bruno, and Hildebrand felt that the only way to erase this insult was to kill Bruno!  On the way to the Bruno's castle, Hildebrand passed a little chapel and decided to go in, and make a visit to Jesus.

Hildebrand sat in the chapel and looked about.  The sun was just rising, and it was shining on three beautiful paintings, on the chapel walls.  Hildebrand gazed at the three paintings for some time, and his heart which was filed with anger and revenge, slowly began to soften.

The first painting showed Our Lord clothed in purple, standing before Pontius Pilate.  Underneath was written these words: "HE DID NOT ANSWER WHEN HE WAS REVILED".  That’s right; Jesus was silent when people insulted Him.  In the second picture, Our Lord was tied to a pillar, and under this picture was written, "HE DID NOT THREATEN WHEN HE SUFFERED".  And the third picture showed Jesus hanging on the cross, and under this picture was written, "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM".

For a long time Hildebrand looked at the pictures and the words written beneath them.  By and by as he sat and thought, the anger died out in his heart, and he forgave Bruno for what was said.  While he was still in the chapel, Hildebrand heard the trampling of a horse, and going to the door he saw the page of the Knight Bruno.  When the page recognized Hildebrand he cried out, "Knight Hildebrand, I am looking for you.  My master is very ill and has sent me to ask your forgiveness for his bad behaviour."

Without delay, Hildebrand mounted his horse and rode to Bruno's castle.  When he entered Bruno's room, the sick knight cried out, "Knight Hildebrand, I insulted you terribly!  Please forgive me!"

Hildebrand walked over to the bed and taking Bruno's hand in his own, he said, "I forgave you before you asked my friend.  Kneeling in the chapel before the picture of my Crucified Saviour, the anger left my heart and I forgave you!"

Hildebrand remained all day as a guest in the castle.  On his return home in the evening, he again paid a little visit to the chapel.  Kneeling before the picture of Our Lord, he thanked Him for all the graces he had received, and he earnestly prayed for the recovery of his friend Bruno.

You see it is so necessary to forgive our enemies when they do us harm, either by words or action.  We must be like Jesus; that is what He did.  And remember to forgive your brothers and sisters, also.


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