Eucharistic Crusade


The Tree of Life

Dear Crusaders,

There is on the earth a wonderful and unique tree.  That mysterious tree was planted by a gardener that came from heaven.  The branches of that tree are not like the ones of usual trees.  Under that tree, men from all times and all places find refuge and are being fed by tasty fruits. The root of that tree is bound to the earth, but the top reaches to heaven.  Such is the tree of eternal life: the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Be not surprised if that tree, the Cross of Jesus, is kept in such high veneration in Catholic countries.  You will find it everywhere: on the top of the mountains, at the cross-roads or towns and villages.  These crosses do bring blessing to the country, and to the people living there.

As you meditate on the Stations of the Cross, you will say with the Church: “Hail, O Cross, our only hope.”  Looking upon the Cross of Jesus, you will put all your trust in Him who saved you.  While contemplating the sufferings of our dear Lord, your heart will be inflamed with love of God, and hate of sin.

One day, there was a poor country girl who was falling into despair because her father had died and her mother was very sick.  It was the middle of the winter and the poor girl went outside to pray by the big cross on top of the mountain.  As she was crying with a heavy heart, a shoot pierced through the snow: buds popped up with beautiful flowers.  She took some and brought them to her mother.  To her surprise, when she got home she found her mother in perfect health!  From that day on, both mother and daughter received many blessings.

Dear children, like that girl, never forget the Tree of Life.  From there, you will find the true food for your souls, the Holy Eucharist!

Father Dominique Boulet


  • On February 14th , I said the monthly Mass for the intentions of the Eucharistic Crusade.
  • Send all correspondence to:  
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