Eucharistic Crusade

Excerpts From the Manual of the
Eucharistic Crusade of the Apostleship of Prayer

Published in 1962 by the Central Office of the Eucharistic Crusade, Rome

 Crusader Pin

Educating the Youth to Live the Mass




Second Stage (continued):

b) Use of definite formulas.

(…) In this second stage in the development of the practice of prayer, two types of formulas need to be distinguished.

1°. Prayers adapted to children. These will be brief formulas, perhaps little verses or Poems. Such formulas are clearly an excellent help to chi1dren learning to pray. However these prayers must be based on doctrine, and not be merely sentimental or childish. They should be such that they retain their meaning even when spoken by an adult, even though their form may be inappropriate.

2°. In this same second stage the children should learn the ordinary prayers of Christian piety such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father. The older children should learn the Creed, Angelus and set forms for morning and night prayers.  It is not necessary that the children have a complete grasp of the meaning of the prayer at the start; this can came gradually as they grow alder. This sort of gradual increase in understanding the truths of faith should go on throughout life.

4. Finally it is important that the practice of prayer be supported by the making of sacrifices. We must be careful that the children do not think of prayer as a sacrifice, in the sense of something hard and unpleasant. They should realize that it is a great honour, and grace to talk to God as was remarked above. Yet they must realize that prayer can at times be difficult and laborious, and that such prayer is not of lesser value. Such prayers have great value if they are offered with good will. They should also realize that all sacrifices involved in the observance of God's Commandments and in the acceptance of everyday adversities can became precious prayers if they are offered to God, as they are in the Morning Offering. Lastly they should be told that voluntary sacrifices undertaken for the same end can be signs of their own special love for God and as such are willingly received by Him. Prayer that is joined with such sacrifices is manifestly sincere and it shows that we are ready to serve God even though it costs something. In addition they should learn to make visits to the Blessed Sacrament and talk with Jesus present in the tabernacle. 

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